Ingredients for 6 rolls:
- 230g of tuna (make sure not to use red tuna)
- 110g of cream cheese
- Half a cucumber, cut in long and thin slices
- 6 sheets of seaweed
- 1 preparation of sushi rice
Useful utensils :
- Sushi mat
- Rice paddle
- Knife
- Cutting board
How to do :
1/ Start by cooking your tuna in a pan, making sure that it has been
shredded into small pieces beforehand
2/ While your tuna is cooking, cut your cucumber lengthwise, making
long and thin slices (they should be slightly smaller than your sushi
3/ Place your seaweed on your sushi mat, then cover it with your
preparation of sushi rice, using your rice paddle to evenly spread it
4/ Lay your cucumber, cooked tuna and cream cheese out in a line,
making sure that it covers the entire width of your mat. Then roll it
up using the sushi mat. And there you go, you have your sushi roll! All
you have to do is to cut it in slices to make your sushi!